Sales Professionals all `abuzz` about Voice Blasting Tool Ibuzz Pro
Released on: June 18, 2008, 4:43 pm
Press Release Author: Chris Hurney
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: Ibuzz Pro is a tool all sales pros need to have. Whether you are a realtor, mortgage broker, networker, or any other direct sales pro. Voiceblasting is the tool you need to leverage your time and the amount of dollars you will earn.
Press Release Body: With the US economy pointing toward a recession and inflation getting worse many professionals are finding it necessary to earn more dollars in the limited amount of time they have. That can be very challenging. Many professionals especially sales people are looking to leverage their time to create more and more cash flow. Realtor Randy Gardner says \" The amount of time we have in a day to go out and create leads really takes up 80% of my day. Some days I make hundreds of calls and only speak to a couple of people. That gets frustrating as time spent doesn\'t always equal dollars.\"
Many sales professionals now are looking for a way to generate high quality leads right away. They are looking to leverage their time so they can focus on actually talking to live people instead of talking to answering machines, or getting busy signals. Car Sales Manager Geraint Phillips says, \" Dialing for Dollars nowadays is like Dialing for Pennies. Having fresh leads daily is the key to any thriving sales reltated business.\"
All Direct Sales Professionals are now realizing that voice blasting and voice blasting software is a must have tool for any serious Sales Pro who is looking to generate high quality leads asap, and in some instances these leads actually call you directly. One of the leaders in the voice blasting industry is a company that has been in business for about 2 years. Ibuzz Pro allows the customer to purchase software that will make the dials for them. Direct Sales Pro James Traina swears by it. \"You can call hundreds of people at the click of the mouse. No more blisters on your fingers from dialing. NO More Prospecting. I have live leads calling me wanting information from me about my products. I also am able to leave voicemails on all the answering machines by simply recording my message on the software. My bottom line has gone up 500% since using this software>\"
The key to having a great voice blasting software is two fold says Ibuzz Pro Sales Rep Chris Hurney. \" First you need to make sure you have leads to call. Ibuzz Pro gives you 15 million leads in all industries when you get the software. You also need to make sure an in house Do Not Call List scrubbing software is included. With Ibuzz Pro you get it. Both an internal one and the national DNC list. The cost of having that alone on your own would be tens of thousands of dollars. It really is amazing.\"
Most phone blasting companies charge about 12 cents per minute. Companies like Vontoo and Voiceshot have dominated the marketplace. But with each of them you need to use your own lead lists plus you have no access to the DNC list. Randy Gardner says, \" With Ibuzz Pro I am able to call people at 1.9 cents per call. My ROI is tremendous. I have live leads calling me up every time I do a broadcast.\"
Chris Hurney says, \" Having a tool like Ibuzz Pro not only explodes your own sales results but it allow you to have a fully automated lead generation system that is truly duplicatable. Anyone in your company or team can use it. Whether you are in MLM, Direct Sales, or any network marketing field. This tool allows full duplication and is something you can pass on to others to ensure their success. Plus Ibuzz Pro has a tremendous affiliate program where you can earn $500 per every referral. Many Sales Professional are not only increasing their owns sales by 300-400% but they are earning an extra $10,000 a month marketing the software.\"
With the high gas prices, and the long commutes, working smarter and leveraging one\'s time is mandatory in this world to create an income that will allow you to live within your means. To be a successful sales pro one has to realize the days of telemarketing are gone. With technology comes promise and results. Ibuzz Pro is just one of the examples of how technology counts when your looking to not only speak to high quality leads but close sales each and every day or week. To learn more about Ibuzz Pro please go to
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Contact Details: Chris Hurney 877-776-7503
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